Business Innovation
Innovation knows no boundaries or limits. If you believe in yourself and in what you are doing, there is never a bad time to take the leap. It may just change the world.
As Expected
It's your choice to either live up to expectations or down to expectations. How do you harness your powers to differentiate and thirve?
10 Days and counting
Another C.R. seems likely. There are still actions to take and work to do to position your firm for FY2024 spending.
Differentiating on Best Value Bids
Best Value evaluation of proposals is not always transparent, so you need to make it easy for the government to see the value you provide and defend the decision to select your firm.
Kinda Happy New FY24???
Deciding what solicitations are best for your company, the "go/no go" decision has implications beyond just winning the work.
Happy New Year FY24?
Capitalize on the downtime as the government is gridlocked. Identify what is holding your firm back and dive in to address it during this time to be ready for reopening and a surge of activity.
Happy New Year?
On-site employees and the firms who provide them are dinged during the shutdown. There is no way to recoup the lost hours/revenue, so what are the choices?
Government FYE
This is an exciting time of year, with fiscal year end spending and awards. Did you get your share of contracts and funding?