53-Man Roster

53-Man Roster

Aug 31, 2022

I am watching the NFL cut lists and trades today. What keeps popping into my mind is the range of emotions that the players are going through. Some are devastated, not quite ready to give up on their NFL dreams but unsure if they will be picked up elsewhere or make the practice squad. Futures are in question. Others are relieved. They have not been called, yet, and are starting to believe they made the team. And others are elated as they now know they made the 53 man roster. Congratulations to all of them. A decision has been made.

The one that makes me think about the power of what could happen for them today are those who need to figure out what to do next. The young men who have worked hard for as long as they can remember, coming up through the different levels of football, being drafter or signed into camp after college, and giving everything to make the team. "Sorry - you just did not make the cut. It's not you, its us. We have too many excellent prospects at your position. We'll keep you in mind. Keep in touch." Half break-up/ half firing. Either way, what is next?

This is the same in your business. You work hard, give it your all, yet you are not profitable or as 'successful' as you want to be. You are not making the cut to a $1 million business. You are not making the cut to a balanced life. You are not making the cut to being a recognized expert/trusted advisor. You are not making the cut as a pillar in the business world. Whatever your definition of success includes, it has just been yanked out from under you. What now? You are at that crossroad. Time to take action.

Remember why you got into business in the first place? The same reason why a young player keeps practicing, learning and honing his skills through school and into adulthood: you have a dream. And you have committed your life to it and have tied your identity to it. But now you are out (kicked out, burnt out, tuned out, washed out, pushed out..... OUT).

What I have seen is that it is time to look backwards and remember why you started your business in the first place. What was it that you wanted to accomplish? What difference were you bringing to the market? What passion were you fulfilling? This is the starting point to your next step. Have you done it? If yes, move on. If no, do you want to do it? Yes- figure out what went wrong and keep trying. No - figure out what does excite you that you can do next. Decision diamonds on this abstract Gantt chart are endless. Take the time and think through what you want to do and if it is what you are doing, then take action.

The opportunity given to you when everything "ends" is the opportunity for a new beginning. Here are a few ideas to help you begin your assessment.

  • I started my business because I wanted to ___
  • When I think about and talk about my business, I ___
  • What I am most proud of is ____
  • If I could do anything differently, it would be _____
  • When I sit down and the end of the day and reflect on my business today, I ___________.

From these starting points, you will see what keeps coming up as both pros and cons of your business. You will see your level of enthusiasm and where you are no longer aligned with your business.

Don't make me cut you. You have the choice to take action, schedule a call at https://www.calendly.com/libby-coaching or [email protected]. Time to get on Team Winning!