April Showers Bring......

April Showers Bring......

Apr 26, 2023

May flowers! What do May flowers bring? A time to refresh your thoughts about your business! I know this is not the standard answer, but I'm amused with the joke anyway. BTW, pilgrims were seeking a new start, so my joke kind of makes sense.

Spring is synonymous with renewal. Many "hibernate" during the cold winter months, only to emerge at this time of year wondering what to do with their business. New year resolutions are long gone and reality is setting in that no one is flying through your window to save you or your business. It's your responsibility and yours alone. Take hold and go!

For all life forms, sunshine and warmth nurture growth. The same is true for your business. But you have to know where you want to go or you'll keep moving, but not achieving your goals. Do you have a clear vision of what success in your business looks like? What services, clients, personnel, physical space, values, work styles, etc. are in your ideal future? The more clear you become about what you want, the easier it is to visualize the success of achieving it. But don't be held back by not having the full picture - - know what you can and fill in the rest as it becomes clear.

Take time to analyze yourself and work on what needs to be addressed. Are you ready to sprout or is your root system weak? Do you harbor self-doubt, limiting beliefs, or any other negative thought that is holding you back mentally, physically, and/or spiritually? Are you chasing bright, shiny objects or is there a solid game plan? The more specific you can become, the more clear the direction.

Self-reflection is hard work, but well worth the investment as it is the foundation on which to clear out the blocks that hold you back-- feelings of inadequacy, imposter syndrome, defeatist attitude, lack of self-respect, people pleasing, to name a few. Get clear about who you are and what you want. Keep evolving your thoughts until the answers feel right to you. Aim high, be creative, and most importantly, be honest. Remember, garbage in/garbage out, so if you are not honest about what you really want, your thoughts won't be honest either.

It's time for you to bloom! I am here to help at [email protected] or schedule a complementary call at https://www.calendly.com/libby-coaching.