Barbie Blog

Barbie Blog

Jul 25, 2023

We are all living in Barbie's world right now, covered with pink and sunshine. Like in all of life, there are business lessons to extract from the movie. Confession - I have only seen a long-format trailer so far and have followed the marketing efforts, so this is not a movie review. There are true mindset lessons to be taken from the plot of the movie.

Quick overview: Barbie has to make a decisions - - pumps or Birkenstocks (her world vs real world). Of course, she stays in her comfort zone and picks her world/ high heels. Her world is easy. It is beautiful. She is used to it. She is comfortable. Luckily, she has someone she trusts that tells her she made the wrong decision and she has to choose again. This time, she is told to choose the real world/Birkenstocks. She is then moved to the real world. Ken joins her. So this is not the whole movie but serves our needs.

Key Lessons:

  1. We have the option to change our mind. If you make a decision and it is not the 'right' decision, change it. Make another decision. But how often do we feel stuck in that decision and will fall on our swords to defend it? Making a mistake is fine. Evaluate it, learn from it, and move forward as a stronger, smarter you.
  2. Don't make decisions based on fear. Too many people operate from their comfort zone. Entrepreneurs do not have that luxury. We are rewarded for being bold and taking the chance that too many others are afraid to take. When you start making decisions based on your goals, you will be rewarded with a whole new world!
  3. Be true to yourself. Other people's opinions of us are just that - - other opinions. They are based on their perception of who we are in their lives, not the reality of who we really are. When you stay true to your authentic self, every situation will work out for your betterment. When you try to conform and act like everyone thinks you should act, you are out of alignment with you, your purpose, and your destiny and will continue to experience the same setbacks.
  4. Appreciate those who are true to you. Ken shows up in the back of Barbie's car and announces that he is coming on the trip with her. He is sticking by her in a trying time. Each of us has someone like that. We are never alone. Appreciate the true friendship and the strength that we can gain from this person.
  5. Find the joy. No matter what the situation may bring, there is an upside to it. In business, every situation is an opportunity for growth. Don't let life's daily challenges bring you down and stomp out the joy you had starting and operating your business. Find a reason to dance, celebrate, and be happy. You own a business. You are one of a few who can actually do this. Celebrate!

The movie is a worldwide hit. The pros and cons of the messaging within the movie will be discussed ad nauseum. But for our purposes, let’s take one more lesson from it: the worldwide multi-phase, multi-pronged marketing. From the actual Malibu beach house to HGTV Barbie Challenge, to the 3-D ad outside of the Burj Kahlifa in Dubai, to Google stars and sparkles, and a million memes, the marketing team came up with a way to reach and engage everyone. I own a couple collectible Barbies (Suffragist Barbie and Civil War Barbie), but would not say that I am a fan. But I am an interested bystander who is having fun being pink and sparkly this week.

Even with something so light and fun-filled, there are real business insights. If you are ready to add joy back to your business and want to have the time to kick back and be silly for a change, give me a call or schedule an appointment with me. Until then, remember that you can look at your business in the same way, or open your eyes and see it in a whole different way! Sparkles out, Libby