Do You Love Your Business?

Do You Love Your Business?

Feb 14, 2024

Happy Valentine's Day.

For small business owners, there is a deep relationship between the owner and the business. In fact, the owner is the face and the spirit of the business. When all is going well, that is great. When things are not as you want, it is a painful, heart-breaking existence.

Can you say that you love your business? I cannot. I do not have it where I want it to be yet, but I will get there. I love being a business coach and the clients I help, but know that I have much more to offer to many more clients. So today, I am not in love with my business.

Toward the end of my time in Washington DC, I actually was sick thinking about my business. I grew it to a multi-million dollar consulting practice, but was just done with it. The old "its's not you, it's me" syndrome that it was a perfectly fine business, but no longer for me. It took me a long time to admit that and to take action, but once I did, I was free. My options opened up and my life took a sharp turn for the better.

The signs were all there that our relationship was done. I no longer woke up excited about what the day was to bring. Actually, I had a hard time getting out of bed. The money no longer mattered, although each year, the business grew and we broke that vaulted $1 million mark for professional services. I no longer enjoyed the hunt of new business or client interactions. Everything became a burden. And, I was physically sick and personally unhappy. On the outside, it was not visible, except for the tired look. I was a pro at keeping up appearances as I slowly died inside.

It took me nearly three years to stop jumping out of my chair when someone approached me suddenly or unexpectedly. Now I know why. I still carry the wounds, but am better for the experience. There is very little I miss about that life even if my current life is not so neatly packaged. But I do know one thing: I wake up and love being a business coach. And that is the driving force that will propel me to whatever success I choose to define.

If you are in the midst of burn out or just not where you want to be with your business, schedule a complementary call with me at And, Happy Valentine's Day. I send you light and love.