Festival of Lights

Festival of Lights

Nov 21, 2023

Happy Diwali to everyone! The festival of Lights. A celebration of the triumph of good over evil.

I love celebrations and was thinking about shining lights last Sunday night as I watched fireworks go off in a neighbor's back yard to kick off the celebration. Then, of course my thinking evolved to each of us letting our light shine and letting our good traits prevail over our evil (which we also all have). Thus, the burning question: What makes you shine?

There is something special about each of us. It is not always apparent at first glance, but it is there. And in business, we have to find that light and use it to our advantage to serve our clients in the best way possible. In GovCon, what is special about the company or proposed team is highlighted in the "win themes" and written clearly in the introduction. Having clarity around what makes you/your business special will serve you in your outreach and marketing and strengthen the approach to prospects.

That special something about you/your business needs to be tangible and desired by your prospects. For instance, being in business for a long time may be a benefit because it shows stability and durability, but is it really special? It depends. Maybe you've been in business a long time but your company is poorly run or dysfunctional. Then years don't matter. I bring up this example because that is one of the first responses I get when asking "what differentiates your business?". Pro tip: being in business for X years does not. Think bigger.

Here are some examples that truly do differentiate your business from competitors:

  • Performed the service multiple times for multiple clients with positive outcomes
  • Innovated a new approach or methodology to complete the desired outcome
  • Have recognized industry leaders in your company/on your team
  • Published or have been a thought leader in the area of service/performance
  • State-of-the-art technology at the company

These are just a few and they will vary depending on the desired services and outcomes. But each makes it obvious that you/your firm is the right firm to do the work. Now you have to capture it and keep the thread running through all conversations and documentation to reinforce the messages. More on that in a later blog and in a new Resource on Win Themes on www.PivotTBC.com/Resources.

On the personal front, take a look at yourself and acknowledge your personal shining star. Again, avoid the obvious like you are smart. Everyone thinks they are smart and most are not. Likewise, being customer service focused is a cliche that all businesses use. Dig deeper. Perhaps you have amazing analytical skills or are highly creative and can demonstrate that. Perhaps you won awards for your ideas or have figured out solutions when faced with what appeared to be insurmountable obstacles. You have examples of your greatness that can be harvested for business growth.

Being a shiny star takes focus and polish to translate it into tangible business benefits. Take it from someone who is.....

Lets identify and enumerate what is special about you and translate that into an advantage for business and for living! Schedule a free call at https://calendly.com/libby-coaching. Shine on, superstars!