Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween

Oct 31, 2023

I love the Fall. I love when it rains and there are bright, colorful, wet leaves on the ground. It feels like Fall and smells like Fall. The fireplaces started, heat kicking on, nutmeg, cinnamon, clove baking, pumpkins. This is my time of year!

I also like to put on my witch hat and purple wig and hand out Halloween candy and see all the costumes. Sometimes, I howl like a werewolf as they approach the front door and crack myself up. Once a year, I hide behind a costume.

The costume today is the internal feeling of imposter syndrome. When you doubt your skills, talents, accomplishments, experience, etc. and feel like a fraud, despite your achievements. It is a lifelong struggle. There is no quick fix. It comes in several forms (professionally grouped in four or five 'types'). But the feeling of inadequacy underscores all of them, with each of us overcompensating outwardly to cover up the inadequacy.

The tragedy is that we are not inadequate. Most likely, you are more qualified and experienced than the person next to you. I used to see this in Washington DC all the time: I'd walk into a meeting, everyone is dressed, some sharp looking person would pose and seem important, only to be vapid. An empty suit. Void.

It is all in how I framed my background. When I modified my career path, I was timid at first. I held myself back because I started to believe that I needed more experience before I could have paying clients. It was wrong because I had been guiding clients for decades, selling millions of dollars of professional services, just under a different title. But I fell into the trap because I kept comparing myself to the giants in my industry instead of to my colleagues or even to myself.

When I let that go, I thrived. I started writing down ideas and realized that I know what I am doing and that I am good at it. Now I remind myself of my talents to reiterate my internal messaging. It allows me to be my authentic self and come fully prepared and committed to working with my clients. Because I have the self-confidence, I can bring forth my best services. It is a loop that takes nourishment and commitment to instill into my brain.

We all have insecurities around our ability to try new things and to measure up to the top people in our professions. But we are not imposters. We are doing our best and if we are open to learning, will continue to grow in our fields. Take the time to take stock of your accomplishments. Give yourself credit for what you know. There is no easy fix for imposter syndrome, but there are steps you can take to build the confidence to keep moving forward in your professional growth.

I probably ate all the candy and will have my mask off, so it is safe to book a call with me at https://calendly.com/libby-coaching or at [email protected]. No witches or werewolves will be present. Happy Halloween!