Monday Mindset/Holding Space

Monday Mindset/Holding Space

Feb 06, 2024

Sometimes, you just need to be there and listen

It takes alot of courage for someone to open up to you and trust you with their feelings and thoughts. Many times, there is an instinct to provide an answer or give suggestions. Is this always needed? It depends.

The term "holding space" was foreign to me five or ten years ago. It's entered the American lexicon, but is often misused. For our purposes, holding space means giving support that is free of judgement. It involves a conscious and deliberate choice to put aside our agenda, the need for our own specific outcome and the desire to give advice or “fix” a person or their situation. Just be there for them. No need to do anything or say anything. Allow each of you to be.

I've seen it lately in some personal and business interactions. Sometimes, the person just needs to speak out the frustration or the fear without worrying about my reaction or input. I did not offer any either. What I learned is that there is nothing to say, so don't break their train of thought. It takes discipline to just listen, but the results are will free the other person from what is troubling them and feed your soul.

If you find yourself needing someone to listen, schedule a time at Take care.