Me First

Me First

Oct 20, 2021

Many of my posts to date address letting go of old habits and burdens that keep us stuck. By letting go, we make way for new to enter and have the ability to create the reality that we want. The environment in which we operate, the people we are around and the thoughts that we hold all affect us.

Putting ourselves first is critical. Making the decision that what is going on with me now is not what I want and that I am no longer going to tolerate it, then taking action is a great place to be. Don't get distracted as the people around you will try to hold you back. Once you've made the decision, you are ready to do the work to make the change.

Another part of putting ourselves first is looking within ourselves and making those adjustments. This may be a change of attitude, thinking, breaking bad habits or adopting new habits - - regardless, fix yourself and very quickly you will see a shift in your environment. Nothing will change around us if we do not evolve.

I saw this when I started letting go of toxic business relationships. The posers, grifters, and no-talents around me ran away when I no longer bought into their games. Of course, they complained about me and blamed me for their dysfunction, but that is a small price to pay for the freedom from their craziness. Better quality professionals had room to come forward and did. It allowed me to get perspective about who is allowed into my world and what type of professional I want to work with.

So, I continue to work on myself each day. I know that I create my environment and therefore I am creating my reality. How do you get to this point? A few quick tips:

  • Get clear on what you want and who you are.
  • Spend time with yourself to see your strengths and flaws, then have the courage to face them.
  • Work with a coach who can help you get awareness of what you are not seeing by yourself. Professional help is important to address blind spots.
  • Give yourself a break. This is a process, and it takes time, commitment and energy.

Remember, invest in yourself and do the work. The results will happen when you are clear.

Put yourself first and reach out at or [email protected]. You deserve the best.