Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Dec 24, 2023

I got you a box of chocolates, but I left it in my car.... .. But never fear, I have a few more Christmas gifts for everyone!

Courage to do what you want. Don't let others' expectations for you hold you back. As a business owner, you have already proven to be courageous. You stepped into the unknown and have built a business. Now have the courage to let the world see the real, fantastic, wonderful you!

Strength to stand up for yourself and face any adversity that comes your way. Business is a full contact sport and the weak do not survive. You've shown your strength over and over with each wall you've shattered and each obstacle you've passed. Keep strong and keep going forward!

Clarity to see what you want and the path to get there. Circumstances change and the ability to see beyond what is present is a gift that will serve you well. Be clear in what you want to achieve and set the path to get there.

Good health and peace of mind. Business owners have stress that could be debilitating if not controlled. You are handling everything and have developed practices and self-care habits that serve your physical and mental health. You are your most important asset. Take care of your mind and your body so you can care for your business.

JOY in everything you do. Bottom line is enjoying yourself and taking pride in what you do. If your business is not bringing your joy, make the changes. If you can't identify why, dig deep into why you started your business in the first place and get back to basics. Happiness, joy, fun, and laughter are all critical to keeping you engaged and on top of your game. Build these into your days and you'll see renewal.

For all, have a safe and joyous holiday! Merry Christmas to all and to all a good year!


PS: If you want to schedule a complementary call between Christmas and New Years I have limited times available so do it now. .