Monday Mindset (1/15/24)

Monday Mindset (1/15/24)

Jan 15, 2024


Having just finished up with the Christmas season, 'peace on earth, goodwill toward men' was visible around me, in greeting cards, tv shows, decorations. It got me to thinking about being at peace. I know that is a spin-off of what the original phrase is about, but if I am not at peace with myself, how can I bring peace to others?

This really got my mind working overtime! And, I realized I am at peace. I've achieved a level of inner peace where the day-to-day annoyances are no longer enough to shift my mood or torpedo my happiness. I saw this in action this past week when I saw someone who attended one of my talks steal my intellectual property and put it out on the same medium I use and claim it as her own. I told a friend about this plagiarizer and we agreed to hit her in the face with a brick (metaphorically), then burst out laughing. I bounced beyond the content thief and enjoyed the conversation with my friend.

Even today, I woke up without stress of what I would accomplish today or worry about what has not been done or who will call me back or who will sign the contract. All of that is already taken care of. I can let go and know that it will all happen as it is meant to happen for me. I have the peace of mind and heart to know that everything is okay.

Everything is okay for you too. It's a hard road to get to this state, but once here, life become easier and more enjoyable. It is a choice, either you get caught up in the problems or lay the groundwork to know that the solution is in place. Your choice.

If you want the freedom from worry taking over your day and life, schedule a free call with me at I wish you peace.