Monday Mindset (1/29)

Monday Mindset (1/29)

Jan 29, 2024


This is one of my daily goals. I try to create moments of calm and places where there is calmness. I need an escape, which is why my environment is so important to my well-being and functionality.

I realized this yesterday after a weekend of "emergency" calls and meetings about a project that is evolving. We are conceptualizing it, which means alot of back and forth, opinions, changes, and documents to be produced, rewritten, reconfigured, etc. This has been going on for about a week, so on Sunday, I just wanted to watch football and relax. I was going to regroup and be ready for this week. That did not happen. My calmness was torpedoed! All for good, but none the less, zapped away. And it hit me that I was then stressed, achy, and tired. That used to be a way of life, but now it is no longer acceptable. Time to reset.

I've been fortunate to have this in most of the places I lived but realized I never had it in the offices I worked. This is ironic because my last office in DC had a meditation room. I subleased space from a wonderful firm that had the space branded and thoughtfully configured. I would escape to the meditation room sometimes during the day, especially when I needed to calm down after a trying conversation or setback. I did not realize how this was a respite that kept me quasi-sane during that time.

Predominately, I find my home to be my respite and I try to create calm around me. The colors, the open spaces, the lighting is all set up so I can relax. My home is not perfect and I know it, but I make the best of what I have right now. For instance, my office has soft paint colors, a place for meditation, a comfortable chair, soft lighting and task lighting, and a huge window. I can be calm in here. I need to be calm in here. My Florida home had the same effect because it looked onto a wildlife sanctuary, pond, and I had a screened in pool. I could go out there and be in nature and relax immediately. I would sit there for hours staring into the trees and pond or floating in my pool. That was my favorite thing - - - floating in my pool at night, listening to nature and hearing no human noise. I immediately transported to Eden.

But that is not reality anymore, so dealing with unrest and dis-ease is a daily focus. I am at my best when I am calm. Those around me feel my energy when I am calm because I see it in their reaction. As a leader and as a role model (which we all are!), being calm is a habit to build. Those around you need it and you need it. Take a moment and silent your mind. When things get hectic, breathe. Sounds a little woo-woo, but it works and you will see the clarity that you need to address what is bothering you.

If you need to calm down, reach out to me at or at [email protected]. I'll be chilling poolside.