Monday Mindset 12/11

Monday Mindset 12/11

Dec 11, 2023

Weird is okay

One thing I love about my participation in various spiritual communities is that people embrace their "weirdness". We often laugh at each other because the quirks come out so clearly. It is part of what makes each of us endearing.

What underlies this is our authenticity. The freedom to be ourselves, with all of the glory and flaws that come with it. Because non-judgement is a shared value, it is easy to be relaxed and let our authentic selves emerge.

I saw it yesterday as I participated in some advanced training online. The "teacher" cracks me up. I've now taken four classes with him because his style works for me. I learn easily and he keeps my attention. He makes so many jokes and cultural references along the way that learning from him is easy. Mixed in with this are opera references, travel references, and some really deep knowledge gained from his experiences. The lessons are serious, but his personality shines through and makes the learning experience enjoyable. I find that the coaches and guides that I work with best all have this trait: they are not generic/vanilla/boring.

I am not a dullard either. I have a wonderful personality and am funny (if I do say so myself), so I make dumb jokes when appropriate to change the thinking of my clients, to break them out of a downward spiral or obsessiveness that is holding them back. I am not for everyone, but I also do not try to be. Underlying everything I do is kindness. I want the best for my clients. However, I have my quirks, like everyone, and I embrace them and funnel them into productive uses.

Being weird is not the same as being unbearable or too much to be around. It is about harnessing your unique gifts toward the betterment of a situation. It's up to you. Is your authentic self coming through or are you so veiled that whatever gift you have cannot emerge? Are you using your personality to your best ability or keeping it hidden for fear of not being accepted?

If you struggle with not fitting in or not finding your niche, take the chance and reach out to me at or at [email protected].