Monday Mindset 12/25

Monday Mindset 12/25

Dec 24, 2023

Mindset for Christmas is Happiness

Happiness is a choice. You can decide to be happy. You can decide to be miserable too, but why? It is totally in your control how you want to feel.

Being happy keeps you open to receiving good things. You are more open and accessible and even more giving as there is a positive outlook coming from you.

I start my day with my morning ritual, a part of which is that I sit quietly and think about what good things are around me and coming to me. I take a minute to remember that I am blessed and give thanks for it. It is a casual conversation with myself. This works for me, but everyone has to do what works for them. You can write it out, meditate on it, think while exercising -- it does not matter. The common thread is that first thing in the morning, decide to be happy.

Bad things happen to me every day. I've learned to shrug most of the bad off. I made the concentrated effort to do so. I learned to change my focus and focus on the good. Not in a delusional way, but in a coping way. From a less angry/sad/disturbed mind, I can see the good in the situation.

Happiness is a choice that you make every second of every day. Life is going to be difficult, but how you approach adversity is up to you. Choose happiness and choose a more peaceful and fulfilling life!

IMPORTANT: If you are feeling down, please reach out to someone. It is difficult around the holidays and loneliness is a real challenge. But there are people to help and people who will just provide a friendly conversation. Even if you feel awkward, most people do want to connect and reconnect with you. If you'd like to just visit or have a friendly conversation, please let me know at