Monday Mindset (2/5)

Monday Mindset (2/5)

Feb 05, 2024

Playing Small

I have the blessing of having very close friends and a few that are becoming that way. This past weekend, I realized the importance that a couple of them play and how the interactions affect me.

First, before entering into social situations or interactions with most people, I protect myself and my energy. I now know that I am sensitive to others energy and that if I don't do this, I will be depleted. Glad I finally learned it. It would have saved me exhaustion for decades had I known it earlier! Regardless, now it is a critical step before any interaction, especially with people that I don't know.

I had one business call where I was told that I have to hold back and change who I am because "Canadians don't like directness". I never thought of Canada as so fragile, although I know there are differences from the United States. Fine. I'll keep that in mind. But I was told to play small. Not be myself. Be timid and lower my impact. That kept me up all night. It is against everything that I am and I believe.

The next day I met up with a friend and were catching up. As I was sharing the business opportunity (from above), she stopped me and told me that everything that I have worked for and learned is there because I am supposed to share it. YES! That is the essence of my coaching! She continued and said that I must embrace myself and let myself shine. I got weepy because that is who I am. She got me and reinforced (without my asking) that I am not here to be a wallflower. I came to live out loud! I am here to stand in my power and be at the forefront because that is who I am.

The dichotomy could not be any different. One is telling me to hold back and the other is supporting me going forward. One wants me to hide and the other is insisting that I shine. I was reminded that I do have something to offer and there are many people who need to hear it. So without knowing it, she solidified my belief in myself.

So after coming home again and thinking even more, I started to inventory where in my life I am listening to play it small and where I am shining. Who is trying to tamp me down and who is pushing me to the forefront? Where am I holding myself back from being the best person I can be and sharing my gifts with others? Where am I held back by fear or ego? More work to do on this front, but for now, I am working through each observation and deciding what I want to do. Not letting others define me, but me defining myself.

Do you want some of this star power? Are you playing small but know that you are a star? Reach out to me at or [email protected] and lets come up with a plan for you to shine.