Stand In Your Power

Stand In Your Power

Oct 11, 2021

I have been working with several clients now who have lost their mojo. Business has beaten them down and the result is that their self-confidence and radiance are shattered. Another never had confidence, being timid and happily falling into the background. They are not showing up as their best in their business and it shows.

The world in which a small business operates is full of nay-sayers and haters (read the other blogs and you'll see the many ways they show up). The result is business stagnation, lack of love for what you are doing, and a victim mentality. No one will follow you if you are not confident in where you are going. So the question becomes, how do you reclaim your power?

Anyone who knows me knows that I am not a "shrinking violet". Quite the opposite. It has taken me years to know that I am my best. I work on it daily. Every day, I acknowledge my successes. I practice gratitude. I know what I want to accomplish and my goals. This helps me show up as the best version of myself, radiating confidence and internal power. I can then help those I work with and interact with to be their best.

How do you make yourself your best self? To claim your power, first acknowledge your strengths. You are special and see in yourself what makes you special. Some quick actions to build yourself up:

  • Fake it 'til you make it: If you are not there yet, act as if you are. Image is everything. Act it and become it.
  • Pep talk: Be your own cheerleader, giving yourself repeated positive messages and thoughts. I would put sticky notes around my house with positive thoughts just to keep that in front of me. If you think it, it will become.
  • Don't share your burdens: The world loves to pile onto a loser so don't give others the door to hurt you or know your weakness. Business is not for the faint of heart.
  • Get a wingman: If you are not confident, find an ally who is and draw from their confidence. It will rub off on you.
  • Rephrase any negative thought to a positive one: Stop negative self-talk. Instead of "I failed", try "I tried my best and learned XYZ by trying. Next time, I will get the outcome I want."
  • Use affirmations. Much like the pep talk, incorporate positive language to yourself about yourself into your self-talk. Learn to accept positive statements about yourself.

You can reprogram your mind through these steps. The result will be a stronger, happier, more secure you. Then you are ready to present your best self to the world, and carry out your purpose with the strength and assuredness to make an impact.

Don't be a shrinking violet. Stand tall and reach out to me through or [email protected]. Now is the time for you to take control of yourself.