Think Like An Immigrant

Think Like An Immigrant

Apr 27, 2023

I heard the author Tom Friedman speak last night. Toward his closing, he gave us the five rules of life he taught his daughters. Since he needed a new audience for the information, he shared it with us.

The first is to think like an immigrant. According to Mr. Friedman, immigrants are "optimistically pessimists", meaning that they are excited for the new opportunity, but expect the worst. Therefore, they are look at a situation, find where the new opportunities are, where there is a need, what is coming next, and give it their all. Basically, they are not bound by old rules anymore and are focused on building their new life. It is a very interesting concept.

All four of my grandparents came from Greece. All four were young (teens to 20-ish) and all four balanced the transition of being Greek and being American. It worked out well for all of them, as evidenced by the continued growth and prosperity of each generation thereafter.

But what did it take? I heard stories of my grandfather not being paid for work performed, looking for work, working long hours for low wages, etc. They had responsibilities and needed to provide (integrity). But they kept going (action). And knew there was a better life (goal). There was no safety net - either make it or not (motivation). I don't know what their career goals were when they came here, but I do know they wanted the opportunities found only in America.

What was also incredible is that they were not well educated, came from the islands, and did not speak English. But they figured it out. All four of them assimilated, built communities, and lived out their lives as Americans.

In business, you are never alone, especially these days were there are more networking and connection opportunities online than in person. The world is available to know about you - figure out your target market and ideal customer and you can find a way to connect.

Are you this dedicated and hungry in your business? At times, apathy can creep in. If you stay in your comfort zone, it becomes a habit, then the standard. No growth. You will eventually become obsolete.

Are you looking for the innovations in your industry? Is there something that can be done that differentiates you and your business? Start thinking and looking about your industry in the future and figure it out. There is a world of opportunity out there if you take it.

If you cannot figure these growth areas or actions, please reach out to me via [email protected] or for a complementary introductory call. We can figure out a path for you.